Thursday 13 June 2019

How To Manage Cost With Refurbished Equipment Without Compromising Quality???

Answer: Medinnova Systems Pvt. Ltd
Every product industry has a parallel vertical in refurbished product. In the healthcare space a refurbished medical equipment is an equipment in which a defective part is replaced to make it fully functional and cosmetically restored to give its original look and feel. A complete overhaul to extend its life and usage.
 Medinnova Systems Pvt. Ltd carries refurbished medical equipments in its portfolio. Operating room equipmentsrespiratorycardio vascularimaging (MRI)cardiologyneurosurgeryflexible and rigid endoscopy and patient monitor to name most of it. MSPL with an international footprint of clients and vendors deals with all or most of the preferred brands with its complete user knowledge and service execution capabilities. MSPL also provides complete part and services for the model and make it serves its customer base. MSPL also imparts awareness based safety check programs and technician based training orientation programs for medical administrators and users.

The confidence builder in MSPL’s refurbished medical equipment is its refurbished process methodology.
  • Preliminary check and inspection is performed to assess its current state of functionality as against the manufacturer specs. Defective or damaged parts are identified.
  • Upon inspection and detection of the defective or damaged part the equipment is moved into the Technical refurbishment stage. 
  1. The medical equipment is thoroughly disinfected of any contamination
  2. The equipment is dissembled and batteries extracted and replaced to enable for further technical process
  • Technical process: Biomedical technicians use the latest testing tools which are calibrated and certified by testing institutions to verify functionality of the medical equipment as per the original manufacturer specifications. Defective and damaged parts are repaired or replaced as per OEM specifications. Once repaired or replaced the equipment is assembled back for testing or calibration.
  • Testing: During the testing phase all the working accessories, peripherals and modules in the equipment are tested for compatibility and verified for effective operation. All processes, replacements, testing data and services are properly recorded.
  • Cosmetic refurbishment: To bring the equipment back to its original allure a complete cosmetic reconditioning is applied. The entire exterior mask is inspected of any wear and tear. Equipment is sanded, primed and painted in the state of the art AFC paint booth by factory trained technicians.
  • QC analysis: Prior to dispatch the equipment goes thru a final functional and safety inspection to ensure its compatibility to the OEM standards. With approval it is ready for delivery!!!
Choosing MSPL refurbished equipments are always advisable as we are:
  • An ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 13485:2016 certified company
  • MSPL understands all major brands and its operational and clinical requirement parameters.
  • We are awareness and methodology driven organization
  • We guarantee close to 50% reduction in your cost
  • We save you time to choose and buy!!! Time saved is Cost saved!!!
We at Medinnova Systems Pvt. Ltd believe that every human life is precious and deserves a good living. We also believe that empowering the providers of this belief is equally important as they are the bearers of the ultimate services. It is also our responsibility to provide the best possible access to services to facilitate the provider’s goal.  That is our contribution to a healthier living!!!
Are you ready to buy the cost effective best quality refurbished equipment?
Call us at 
+91-2667-264737 or Email us at

Tuesday 30 April 2019

Medical Equipment Resources in India


           The growth within healthcare industry has been progressive in India. The past 10 years specially has seen a uptrend in every metric in all sectors within Healthcare. The influencing aspect of the growth has been the fact a simultaneous growth in awareness equally supported by development in its infrastructure and its ancillary services.

            A decade back the healthcare industry was not structured to include many of the ancillary services that are being included today. Beyond the pharma and biotechs, bio meds and medical supply companies got little affluence or influence within the industry or marketplace. At best it seemed very fragmented without much protocols and procedures to support it. This led to the implementation of procedural rules and compliances extremely difficult as many of these ancillary groups did not seem to know under what purview it existed or reported to. Hence many of the regulatory clauses that were enacted did not bring certain groups under its charter nor was it clear if they were bound by such regulations and protocols. These inconsistencies and lack of adaptabilities played into the fact that India though ahead in the academic awareness in healthcare was way behind in its applications and fulfillment as per the globally developed standards.

            With globalization and standardization of many of the healthcare procedure, protocols, and application, there has been a rushed need to bring all sphere of healthcare verticals within some kind of protocol and discipline.All the industries within healthcare from pharma, medical service providers, medical supply companies and consulting companies are required to follow a uniform code that necessitates compliance and certifications.

            The growth of medical supply companies has been exponential, to say the least. With the growing numbers of local players in manufacturing and refurbishment, there also has been an increase in foreign medical supply companies vying a piece of the market in the world’s best-emerging markets “India”!!!.  The medical supply company’s growth has also shown some metamorphic growth with increasing demands in newer high range equipment, high range refurbished equipment, parts, servicing companies and also, companies providing awareness and information in key areas of safety and training.

            This growth has been good for the economy but most importantly it has brought the system in the mix of the global healthcare platform. This has helped the industry to collaborate, affiliate and provide best services for its audience internally all the while pushing its agenda to the global audience as well. Though the future looks good, the present will need to be tamed in a disciplined manner to establish a good benchmark for the upcoming years.

            Medinnova Systems Pvt Ltd a company at the forefront of the global medical equipment industry takes pride in introducing various international compliance awareness and its knowledge application to the Indian healthcare industry and all the while catering to the rising demand in all spheres of the medical equipment market. Along with delivering quality to its customers, providing awareness, information, good after sale services and best practical technical training for handlers are the key cornerstone of Medinnova’s USP.
We at Medinnova Systems Pvt Ltd are excited for this growth story as we do have a small part to play and be a part of a big change!!! Call us at +91-2667-264737 or email us for more info.

Wednesday 28 March 2018

Go Green with Refurbished Machines | Soma Tech Pvt. Ltd

Refurbished medical equipments have become one of the most efficient components both in terms of critical functional coverage and cost effectiveness, of every hospital and clinical establishment. Soma tech take pride in providing such high quality refurbished equipments  with assured service and maintenance to medical institutions at affordable cost.

Soma Tech Pvt Ltd being the leading provider of refurbished medical equipments, counts on the trust of it’s customers all over the India.when it comes to providing complete medical product solutions customized to their needs, to the core ,while staying on budgetary course all along.

Highest standard of quality, performance and Green initiatives

Soma Tech Pvt Ltd prides in its stringent engineering process for refurbished medical equipments to bring it to OEM specifications that addresses global environmental concerns as we have set very high standards for sustainable Eco-friendly products. We are committed to our Go-Green initiatives in all our product and processes.

Go Green with Refurbished Machines

Our core team of engineers works meticulously to grasp the medical and functional  needs to address the critical needs of medical facilities . We offer almost all top selling medical equipments from Industry leaders like GE, Terumo, Philips and many more.

Open door policy and post sales relationship-

We are so sure of its products that we invite potential buyers to visit our facilities and met our team of experts to know the product and its functionalities first hand so that they are fully satisfied before they buy our product.

Our products have the standard warranty at par with the best of the industry as we have ample inventory stocks to provide the continued support for the equipment for the longest period even after the warranty.

Best ROI-

Our products with highest quality standards, our professional service providers and solid post sales services provide you the confidence and peace of mind to to go ahead and do what you do best-healing medkind!

One point solution-

Soma tech provides you a single source solution to all your medical equipment needs thus saving time, money and efforts .

We also ship equipments nationwide through our efficient logistics and SCM process to meet the timely delivery, economy of process and safety concerns.

Wednesday 13 December 2017

Philips Heartstart XL Defibrillator

Heart care is now a leading concern in modern day life and emergency cardiac issues have risen alarmingly all over the world. There is a growing need for efficient and cost effective heart resuscitation medical equipment to address these critical medical conditions. Philips Heartstart XL is a great solution to these critical cardiac issues thus saving lives with timely and efficient medical interventions.

Philips Heartstart XL is a portable external defibrillator designed for resuscitation and rapid response to patients for optimum care. Its user interface is simple and precise for quick response. Its visual indicators and choice of modes between AED to manual mode allows it to be used by any level of trained responders. Both modes use SMART Biphasic wavefront for defibrillation.

In AED mode Philips Heartstart XL defibrillator analyzes the patient’s ECG to provide instructions and patient information to estimate if shock is to be given. In AED mode Heartstart defibrillators can be used for any patient irrespective of age without specific accessories thus saving time in critical conditions. Quick shock in AED mode and fast charge time to standard adult dose in manual mode minimizes CPR interruptions and speed shock delivery.

Manual mode requires manual selection of energy settings for defibrillation, if needed and to carry out synchronized cardioversion and noninvasive pacing if needed.

Defibrillation is carried out with multifunction defibrillation pads, which are same for all patients-adults/child/infants for Manual and AED mode, pacing and cardiovesion for better optimization and ease of use, which proves to be critical in times of need.

Its sustained patient monitoring through 3- and 5-A led ECG, SpO2, Heart rate, non-invasive blood pressure, can be carried out right from cardiac emergency stage to recuperation stage.

Standard interfaces helps for efficient training and optimum responses when it matters most. And Event review summary can be accessed through colored display and the results can be stored in the internal memory for a year.

Soma Tech Pvt Ltd being the leading provider of refurbished medical equipment, including refurbished defibrillators and counts on the trust of it’s customers all over the India when it comes to providing complete medical product solutions customized to their needs, to the core, while staying on budgetary course all along.

Thursday 7 December 2017

Anesthesia Made Easy: Quick Guide to common Anesthesia procedures

Anesthesia is widely used in medical procedures to limit the amount of pain a patient experiences. Depending on the amount of pain reduction needed, a wide range of techniques is utilized by the medical practitioners worldwide to apply anesthesia. From a single Novocaine injection to numb the part of a body for a minor operation, all the way to rendering patients unconscious in order to perform open heart surgery, the use and application of Anesthesia varies.
Anesthesia is an essential aspect of modern medicine, but sometimes anesthesia errors can easily turn fatal. To cope up with this and to avoid such fatal results, we have come up with the simple quick guide to common Anesthesia procedures. Have a look:
How to the turn the power on of Anesthesia machine?
  • ADU – The power switch is located on the right side of the machine, just above the desktop.
  • AM – The power switch of the monitor is on the lower right side of the monitor screen(next to green knob)
(Points to remember: ADU’s screen and AM’s screen are on the left and right side respectively. The green knobs are called comwheels.)
It takes approx 5 minutes for complete anesthesia machine checkout!
The checkout window is displayed on the ADU screen. Press the ADU’s comwheel, select confirm and then follow the instruction on the screen to completion.
Note: Occlude the patient circuit by putting it on the occlude cone underneath the base of the bellows block. When you occlude the circuit, make sure the delight sensor is removed from the circuit.
Press Normal Screen on the ADU display to clear the window.
How to control the Gas?
One can increase the flows of O2, N20 and Air flow knobs by turning it counter-clockwise. Flip the switch between the N2O and Air to select the preferred gas.
Located to the right of the o2 flow control, turn the agent wheel counter-clockwise to deliver the agent. Watch the lower center portion of the left screen to see your agent % settings.
How to adjust the ventilation settings?
Manual ventilation: Utilize APL, located just below the bellows.
Ventilator: Located to the left of the APL, turn the Auto/Manual selector from Manual to Auto.
One can adjust the ventilator settings by pressing the parameter key Volume/Pressure, Rate, I:E or PEEP. Later, use the ADU comwheel to adjust the setting and press the comwheel to confirm settings.
Once the ECG, SPO2, Temp and gas are connected and receive signals, monitoring will start automatically.
NIBP can be activated by pressing Auto On/Off key on the front of the NIBP module.
Once the transducer is connected to the cable plugged into the front the module, invasive pressures are activated. Zero by opening the transducer to atmosphere and pushing Zero P1. Close the transducer.
All you need to know about Cycles and Sounds:
  1. How to adjust the NIBP cycle time?
Push NIBP key on the front of the AM display. The NIBP window appears, use the AM comwheel to select Cycle Time.
  1. How to adjust the SPO2 beat volume?
Push SPO2 key on the front of the AM display. The SPO2 window appears, use the AM comwheel to adjust the volume.
  1. Push the yellow Alarm Silence key for silencing the alarm.
  1. Push the Alarm Setup key for the alarm settings and volumes.
When anesthesiologists make errors, however, their negligence can lead to permanent disability and death. Use this simple to follow guide – practice safe anesthesia. 
For more details log on or inquire at or call us at 9925186973/3191