Wednesday 13 December 2017

Philips Heartstart XL Defibrillator

Heart care is now a leading concern in modern day life and emergency cardiac issues have risen alarmingly all over the world. There is a growing need for efficient and cost effective heart resuscitation medical equipment to address these critical medical conditions. Philips Heartstart XL is a great solution to these critical cardiac issues thus saving lives with timely and efficient medical interventions.

Philips Heartstart XL is a portable external defibrillator designed for resuscitation and rapid response to patients for optimum care. Its user interface is simple and precise for quick response. Its visual indicators and choice of modes between AED to manual mode allows it to be used by any level of trained responders. Both modes use SMART Biphasic wavefront for defibrillation.

In AED mode Philips Heartstart XL defibrillator analyzes the patient’s ECG to provide instructions and patient information to estimate if shock is to be given. In AED mode Heartstart defibrillators can be used for any patient irrespective of age without specific accessories thus saving time in critical conditions. Quick shock in AED mode and fast charge time to standard adult dose in manual mode minimizes CPR interruptions and speed shock delivery.

Manual mode requires manual selection of energy settings for defibrillation, if needed and to carry out synchronized cardioversion and noninvasive pacing if needed.

Defibrillation is carried out with multifunction defibrillation pads, which are same for all patients-adults/child/infants for Manual and AED mode, pacing and cardiovesion for better optimization and ease of use, which proves to be critical in times of need.

Its sustained patient monitoring through 3- and 5-A led ECG, SpO2, Heart rate, non-invasive blood pressure, can be carried out right from cardiac emergency stage to recuperation stage.

Standard interfaces helps for efficient training and optimum responses when it matters most. And Event review summary can be accessed through colored display and the results can be stored in the internal memory for a year.

Soma Tech Pvt Ltd being the leading provider of refurbished medical equipment, including refurbished defibrillators and counts on the trust of it’s customers all over the India when it comes to providing complete medical product solutions customized to their needs, to the core, while staying on budgetary course all along.

Thursday 7 December 2017

Anesthesia Made Easy: Quick Guide to common Anesthesia procedures

Anesthesia is widely used in medical procedures to limit the amount of pain a patient experiences. Depending on the amount of pain reduction needed, a wide range of techniques is utilized by the medical practitioners worldwide to apply anesthesia. From a single Novocaine injection to numb the part of a body for a minor operation, all the way to rendering patients unconscious in order to perform open heart surgery, the use and application of Anesthesia varies.
Anesthesia is an essential aspect of modern medicine, but sometimes anesthesia errors can easily turn fatal. To cope up with this and to avoid such fatal results, we have come up with the simple quick guide to common Anesthesia procedures. Have a look:
How to the turn the power on of Anesthesia machine?
  • ADU – The power switch is located on the right side of the machine, just above the desktop.
  • AM – The power switch of the monitor is on the lower right side of the monitor screen(next to green knob)
(Points to remember: ADU’s screen and AM’s screen are on the left and right side respectively. The green knobs are called comwheels.)
It takes approx 5 minutes for complete anesthesia machine checkout!
The checkout window is displayed on the ADU screen. Press the ADU’s comwheel, select confirm and then follow the instruction on the screen to completion.
Note: Occlude the patient circuit by putting it on the occlude cone underneath the base of the bellows block. When you occlude the circuit, make sure the delight sensor is removed from the circuit.
Press Normal Screen on the ADU display to clear the window.
How to control the Gas?
One can increase the flows of O2, N20 and Air flow knobs by turning it counter-clockwise. Flip the switch between the N2O and Air to select the preferred gas.
Located to the right of the o2 flow control, turn the agent wheel counter-clockwise to deliver the agent. Watch the lower center portion of the left screen to see your agent % settings.
How to adjust the ventilation settings?
Manual ventilation: Utilize APL, located just below the bellows.
Ventilator: Located to the left of the APL, turn the Auto/Manual selector from Manual to Auto.
One can adjust the ventilator settings by pressing the parameter key Volume/Pressure, Rate, I:E or PEEP. Later, use the ADU comwheel to adjust the setting and press the comwheel to confirm settings.
Once the ECG, SPO2, Temp and gas are connected and receive signals, monitoring will start automatically.
NIBP can be activated by pressing Auto On/Off key on the front of the NIBP module.
Once the transducer is connected to the cable plugged into the front the module, invasive pressures are activated. Zero by opening the transducer to atmosphere and pushing Zero P1. Close the transducer.
All you need to know about Cycles and Sounds:
  1. How to adjust the NIBP cycle time?
Push NIBP key on the front of the AM display. The NIBP window appears, use the AM comwheel to select Cycle Time.
  1. How to adjust the SPO2 beat volume?
Push SPO2 key on the front of the AM display. The SPO2 window appears, use the AM comwheel to adjust the volume.
  1. Push the yellow Alarm Silence key for silencing the alarm.
  1. Push the Alarm Setup key for the alarm settings and volumes.
When anesthesiologists make errors, however, their negligence can lead to permanent disability and death. Use this simple to follow guide – practice safe anesthesia. 
For more details log on or inquire at or call us at 9925186973/3191