Tuesday 8 November 2016

Environment & Pocket friendly Refurbished Rigid Endoscopes

Rigid endoscopy uses specially adapted instruments and cameras to access body areas that are otherwise inaccessible without any major surgical intervention. SomaTech India Pvt. Ltd. specialized in refurbished medical equipment offers reliable and state-of-art Endoscope at a very minimal price. The various models offered are;

Stryker 1288

This endoscopic camera has 1920x1080p resolution with 9 specialty settings, giving optimum color resolution, depth of focus, edge-to-edge clarity and sharpness for surgeons. It has an intuitive touch screen and fully programmable camera head with four buttons to control and guide the L9000 LED Light source from the camera head, thus offering better focus, clarity and sharpness in visualization in the operating room. It can provide wireless transmission capabilities when used with Stryker Wise flat panel monitor. 

Refurbished Rigid Endoscopes

Stryker 1188

Stryker 1188 is a second-generation high definition camera with an ergonomic camera head that can be steam sterilized for quick turnaround and better operation room efficiency. It provides a dual aspect ratio-both HDTV and HD to extend great picture quality, clarity and enhanced intuitive user controls. It comes with high-definition video with 1280x1024 output, progressive scan technology, and direct fiber optical outputs. Its 10-bit digital processing gives optimal clarity and increased intra-operative brightness thus improved resolution. It has nine specialty settings help surgical standardization and provide seamless integration with video equipment.

Storz Image 1

It provides surgeons a single system for all applications with sharp images in HD with natural settings. As a modular camera platform IMAGE1 combines various technologies and individual modules can be selected according to user requirements i.e. rigid, flexible and 3D technology. It has three visualization technologies for easy differentiation in 3D. It has automatic light source control with multiple source management like Simultaneous control, display, and documentation of image information from two connected image sources.
SomaTech India Pvt. Ltd, a leading supplier of refurbished medical equipment's can customize and configure an endoscopic system as per the client’s requirements. The various camera control units are  Stryker 1288 HD, Stryker 1188 HD, Storz Image 1, Storz Tricam SL, Olympus OTV-SX/S7/S6/S5/S4 etc. The equipments are safe to use as each of them is thoroughly tested with assured performance and post sales service assurance guarantee. 

Refurbished Rigid Endoscopes with camera control unit are environment friendly and pocket-friendly both. For further inquiry on refurbished Endoscopes email us at sales@somatechindia.com or reach us at +91-9925186973


  1. Yes really correct.. In the Current world different types of the endoscopic equipments(wired and wireless) are there at different sizes. Used Stryker 1288 HD Camera is the new development in the endoscopic cameras where it allows the user to use it with wireless capabilities in the operating rooms. These cameras have four fully programmable buttons on their head which help in giving and receiving the command from the surgeon. Also, they have more improved resolution with the light source.

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