Monday 4 July 2016


Medical equipments being expensive create a need for used medical equipment which is in cost, 30%-70% of less than the original equipment Manufacturers. As a way to lessen the cost of treatment, improving patient care, reducing waste.

Things to consider before opting out for Used Medical Equipment!

Standard Equipment
The equipment must meet the high standards of care in your practice. Make sure it is inspected by a person qualified enough to certify it.

The supplier must be able to guarantee the same functionality as new equipment and servicing.

Another important consideration is if the product is safe for clinical use.

Customer Service
Reputed companies always provide customer service to guarantee smooth transition.

Product Obsolescence
Product obsolescence is another important aspect that needs to be considered while buying to ensure that the product technology is up to the date.

Search for best option for used medical equipment
Make a comparative search of companies selling used medical equipment for the best deals.

Sterilization of equipment
Some medical equipment needs to be appropriately sterilized, such as surgical instruments. You need to know what autoclaving and sterilization procedures the seller used.

Confirm the equipment is in good condition
You should also contact the seller directly and ask for more detail on the equipment to determine if its condition is good.

Shelf life
Make sure the type or brand of equipment that you’re seeking has a long shelf life and will hold up for several more years in your practice.

Used equipment calibration
Always ensure used equipment has been re-calibrated and you have a certification noting when and who performed the calibration. Keep this with your documents for all equipment. Soma Tech Pvt. Ltd. is the market leader in the refurbished medical equipment. We also sell your used medical equipment to Soma Tech Pvt. Ltd.

For more info, visit or mail at

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